Sounds actress Emily Piggford embraces New Zealand culture


Emily Piggford – star of Warrigami, The Girlfriend Experience and The Umbrella Academyy – plays socially awkward but relentless private detective Esther Ishikawa in locally filmed psychological thriller The sounds (First, Thursday).

However, as Esther sets out to find missing Tom Cabbot (Matt Whelan), the Canadian actress is also on the hunt for the best flat white in Auckland.

Emily Piggford says she would love to work in New Zealand again.


Emily Piggford says she would love to work in New Zealand again.

What did you know about New Zealand before coming here?

Not too much, really. There was an awareness of The Lord of the Rings filmed here and a bit about the culture, but I certainly did some research. I have listened to all the music that has come from New Zealand through the generations and researched the Maori language and its pronunciation – just a few things about the language, culture and history, so I can be respectful of the country in which I was going to live for three months.

Something you found really strange about us?

I had no idea the driving was across the road from Canada. I always look the wrong way while waiting to cross the street. But now that I’ve driven a bit, I like it and it’s natural. I delayed driving for about a month and a half, but then I thought, “OK, I need to explore a bit.” Everyone said everything would be fine and I couldn’t believe it.

I was like ‘No, this is going to be weird’ and it was actually OK. The only thing that’s weird is that I do windshield wipers instead of turn signals all the time.

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Do you and Esther have a lot in common?

I love to observe and understand my surroundings and people while Esther assesses and solves problems. I like getting to know people, so that we can enjoy each other’s company, but Esther doesn’t care about the comfort of others. She doesn’t spend any energy trying to make you comfortable.

How does she compare to other characters you’ve played?

I actually found Esther and Wendy in Warrigami be very similar. They both live in very different realities, are both focused on the task at hand, and don’t pick up on social cues very quickly. They just have this forensic, stoic, forensic focus on them and so it was actually a familiar world to sit in.

Piggford plays a socially awkward private investigator in local drama, The Sounds.


Piggford plays a socially awkward private investigator in local drama, The Sounds.

Interested in psychological thrillers like The Sounds?

I really love watching all the twists and turns and going around and think I know the answer, think I know who is the culprit and then it’s such a pleasure to have all of your expectations knocked down.

I think this show works in several ways. No one is entirely what it seems, everyone has something hidden.

Was the job different?

It’s just those little things. In Canada there is a big table with a whole bunch of candies and treats and I loved seeing a tub here filled with apples and pears and whole unpeeled carrots. And the ten-and-three-quarter working day. I’m used to a 14 hour work day and sometimes there is a lot of time sitting on set in North America, but here it is to show up, get dressed, get down to business and then you are at home. It’s pretty cool.

What were you doing on your days off?

I went out and walked all day. Everyone here has been very generous with their recommendations of their favorite white dish. So every time I leave my house, I try a different store, a different street, or a different route. I don’t drink a lot of coffee – generally I’m very sensitive to caffeine – but I changed my routine here and made coffee a part of my life and I’m so glad I did.

The Canadian actor said driving across the road isn't as strange as she thought.


The Canadian actor said driving across the road isn’t as strange as she thought.

Would you like to come back to New Zealand?

Absoutely. I want to stay. I’m going to talk to my agent and my manager asking them, “Are there any audition opportunities?” Can i stay? Can I come back? With a bit of luck The sounds gets another season and Esther is kind of involved. But definitely I like it here and I would like to continue working here.

What Emily likes

  • Wind. It makes me want to dance and sing, whether I’m outside or inside watching and listening to the moans.
  • Grocery stores. They make me happy, comforted and it looks like a fun puzzle, gathering ingredients and treats. When I travel, I like to visit grocery stores.
  • To be alive. Another incredible puzzle that I savor.

What Emily Hates

  • Dry oranges. You open up what looks like a beautiful orange and it’s a juicy, crumbling mess.
  • Isms and intolerance. What a shame to sell ourselves and humanity in the open by not embracing diversity and keeping us / us bound by a very narrow set of points of view.
  • Remove makeup before going to bed.

Sounds, Prime, Thursdays

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