Northland to relocate to Orange, New Zealand ready for Omicron – New Zealand Government


Right Honorable Jacinda Ardern

Prime Minister
MP for Mont Albert

Northland moves to Orange

The rest of New Zealand remains with Orange in preparation for Omicron

All of New Zealand will turn red in the event of an Omicron community outbreak – no use of lockdowns

Government planning well advanced – new case management, close contact definition and testing rules tailored to Omicron’s purpose are being finalized and include plans to support business continuity

Northland will move to Orange at 23:59 tonight, January 20, 2022, while the rest of New Zealand will remain in Orange as the government prepares for Omicron to enter the community.

“Vaccination rates have continued to rise in Northland and are now at 89% of the first dose. The easing of the Auckland border over the summer has not resulted in an increase in cases, so we believe it is safe for Northland to join the rest of the country in Orange,” the Prime Minister said. Jacinda Ardern.

“We won’t be able to stop Omicron from entering the community, but we can use tools to try to slow it down. We need to be on our toes and ready, which is why the country will stay in Orange under an Omicron readiness framework.

TDB recommends

“New Zealand has done an incredible job of reducing the number of cases in the Delta, particularly in light of the lifting of the Auckland border last month and holiday travel. By staying with Orange, we will be able to keep these gains while continuing to prepare Omicron.

“We are also confirming today that when we have evidence of Omicron transmission in the community, we will not be using lockdowns, but the whole country will go red within 24-48 hours.

“We know from other countries that it takes as little as 14 days for Omicron cases to jump from hundreds to thousands. The red setting allows businesses to remain open and domestic travel to continue, but includes mask-wearing and collection restrictions to help slow the spread of the virus and keep pressure on our healthcare system.

“The most important thing New Zealanders can do to prepare for Omicron is to get their booster dose before it takes off in the community.

“International evidence shows that booster doses provide good protection against Omicron, and by achieving high levels of booster protection we will be able to reduce the spread and severity of Omicron when it arrives.

“The boosters also reduce the severity of Omicron and mean most people who catch the virus can recover safely at home, rather than needing hospital treatment.

“Now is also a time for people to make plans for their homes and workplaces, including putting a plan in place to self-isolate at home if necessary.

“For the most part, people will be able to support themselves.

“We are working hard to ensure that people who may need support during this time, whether it is health care or social services, have what they need. But for the most part, people will be well enough to stay home with whanau. So think about what you would need to stay home during this time.

“New case management, close contact definition and testing rules tailored to Omicron’s purpose are being finalized and include plans to support business continuity.

“For now, we are asking everyone to do their part. Be sure to get your booster today,” said Jacinda Ardern.


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