New Zealand to provide additional aid to Tonga – New Zealand Government


New Zealand is providing an additional $2 million in humanitarian funding to Tonga as the country recovers from a volcanic eruption and tsunami last weekend, Foreign Minister Nanaia Mahuta said today and Defense Minister Peeni Henare.

This brings Aotearoa New Zealand’s contribution to $3 million.

“This support will see more essential supplies, such as clean water, food, and engineering equipment and tools to clean up the debris, flow to Tonga in the days and weeks to come,” said Nanaia Mahuta.

The funding is in addition to the million dollars that Aotearoa New Zealand has already allocated to the humanitarian response.

Peeni Henare also announced that HMNZS Canterbury would leave Devonport for Tonga overnight.

“HMNZS Canterbury will have on board additional supplies such as tarpaulins, water containers, milk powder, as well as engineering equipment to clear debris and two NH-90 helicopters,” Minister Henare said. .

Deliveries will be non-contact in accordance with Tonga’s COVID-19 protocols and those involved in relief efforts are being tested before departure and during deployment.

Nanaia Mahuta said $1.5 million of the additional $2 million would go towards deploying more relief supplies on upcoming C-130 relief flights, as well as water-generating capacity and cleaning equipment.

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“This money will also fund relief activities undertaken by local authorities and humanitarian organizations, as well as other requests from the Tongan government if necessary,” Nanaia Mahuta said.

The remaining $500,000 will go to a New Zealand Disaster Response Partnership Round for New Zealand NGOs working with local partners to support Tonga’s response efforts.

Nanaia Mahuta also spoke today with her Tongan counterpart, Hon. Fekitamoeloa ‘Utoikamanu, to discuss relief efforts and how the two countries can work together to support relief and recovery efforts. This followed a call yesterday between Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern and Tongan Prime Minister Hon Siaosi Sovaleni.

“We discussed the significant challenges Tonga faces in caring for its people as they clean up after this disaster. I assured him that we remain ready to offer more assistance should the need arise,” said Nanaia Mahuta.

A Royal New Zealand Air Force C-130 Hercules carrying relief supplies landed in Tonga yesterday afternoon and further flights are planned.

HMNZS Wellington also arrived in Tonga yesterday and hydrographers were immediately deployed to monitor the approaches to Nuku’alofa in preparation for HMNZS Aotearoa which arrived and offloaded humanitarian supplies today. Navy divers will also check the integrity of the wharf infrastructure.


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