New Zealand government provides Tonga with $3 million in aid funding


Supplies must be delivered contactless to protect the Covid-free country from infection.

Henare said HMNZS Canterbury, which was carrying two NH90 helicopters, would also depart Devonport for Tonga overnight – the third New Zealand Defense Force vessel to make the journey – and would also carry tarpaulins, water containers, powdered milk and engineering materials.

It follows HMNZS Wellington – which helped carry out survey work – and HMNZS Aotearoa which arrived and unloaded humanitarian stocks today.

Mahuta said $1.5 million of the latest funding will help support the work of local authorities and humanitarian organizations, provide water-generating and cleaning equipment, and supply relief flights on the C- 130 Hercules of the NZ Defense Force.

The first such flight landed in Tonga yesterday afternoon.

The remaining $500,000 would help New Zealand non-governmental organizations work with local partners as part of a New Zealand Disaster Response Partnership Cycle.

Mahuta said she discussed relief efforts with her Tongan counterpart Fekitamoeloa ‘Utoikamanu today.

“We discussed the significant challenges Tonga faces in caring for its people as they clean up after this disaster. I assured him that we remain ready to offer more assistance should the need arise.”

NZDF divers are also expected to check the wharf infrastructure today, according to the ministers statement.



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