Food, Dance and Tradition: Waitangi Day to Celebrate New Zealand Culture on Geraldton Foreshore – ABC (none)


Waitangi Day is of particular importance in the New Zealand calendar. Representing the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi between British and Maori chiefs, the National Day is a contemplation of the past and marks the formation of modern New Zealand.

“This means that the strength of the relationship between tangata quandua, so the first peoples of New Zealand and the British arriving, ”explains Waitangi Day Committee organizer Bronwyn Barnett.

Like any day of national significance, the significance of Waitangi Day is felt only on a personal level.

“I guess it means different things to different people, but there is a strong emphasis on Maori culture and celebrating being Maori. Their strength to survive on their journey, it was not an easy journey. , so we’re celebrating what it’s like to be Maori and what it’s like to be New Zealander, ”Ms. Barnett said.

Moving to Gerladton 18 months ago, Mrs. Barnett, born in Hamilton, experienced the presence of the Maori and New Zealand community in the Mid West.

“There are so many of us and it just makes the setup easier, so we really appreciate it.”

“One of the strengths of being here is that I think people really support you if you take the initiative. It’s a great place to live. There are great people in the community who are doing it. a lot of good work and they really welcomed me personally, ”said Ms Barnett, who works in community health.

Meaning behind the celebrations

Waitangi Day will involve music, a community lunch, and dancing, but its overall goal is to bring all cultures together.

“It’s important for us to have a very strong relationship with the traditional owners here and the different cultures here, because it’s a celebration of culture,” Ms. Barnett said.

“We have a tutor called Dean Umu, a performer and his band from Northam. They have ties here with four young Yamaji boys in Gerladton who will join them for the show and the kids will do a Haka. “

“It’s such a special thing, such a spiritual thing to watch,” she said.

A group of 40 musicians will also perform, Te Papakanui In Maui, which Ms Barnett says are literally hard to miss.

“There are 29 artists in this group plus all of their kids, so it’s going to be very special.”

Speaking to ABC Local Mid West & Wheatbelt Breakfast, Ms Barnett shared her most important message for Waitangi Day.

Nau mai haere mai whau!“, or ‘Come join us, everyone is welcome’.

The Whaïtangi Day celebrations will take place on Saturday February 21 on the foreshore of Geraldton.

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