Dr Jane Goodall warns New Zealand’s environment is ‘in crisis’ in new deal


New Zealand is facing an environmental crisis and needs urgent action from all sectors of society, warned renowned environmentalist Dr Jane Goodall.

Together with six non-governmental organizations, Goodall signed the “Aotearoa Accord for Nature” calling for an end to all new oil and gas exploration, mining on protected lands and reform of the law. on resource management.

“Our natural world is in crisis. But by working together we can prevent disasters,” Goodall said.

Dr Jane Goodall says the natural world is in crisis, but disasters can be avoided.

Michael neugebauer

Dr Jane Goodall says the natural world is in crisis, but disasters can be avoided.

She wants New Zealand to protect 30% of all its ecosystems by 2030 and protect 30% of marine habitats.

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In New Zealand, more than 4,000 native plants and animals, including the kererū and the kiwi, are among the million species threatened with extinction worldwide.

Last month, the Department of the Environment released Aotearoa environment, a report describing the country’s environment on the brink, in large part due to human actions.

WWF New Zealand Executive Director Livia Esterhazy said the deal called for joint action.

“It is not only biodiversity and the environment that are at risk, but we are also at risk.”

Each year, thousands of protected marine species like penguins are legally killed by commercial fishing boats, according to the Aotearoa Deal for Nature document.


Each year, thousands of protected marine species like penguins are legally killed by commercial fishing boats, according to the Aotearoa Deal for Nature document.

The changes requested included effective climate change legislation, an end to destructive agriculture and better protection of the oceans.

“Every year, thousands of protected marine species like penguins, albatrosses, sharks and dolphins, are legally killed by commercial fishing vessels … our commercial fisheries are poorly regulated with outdated legislation.”

The government should strengthen the resource management framework and reform the resource management law, to ensure that all activities take place within clear environmental boundaries and limits, according to the document.

WWF New Zealand Executive Director Livia Esterhazy said it's not just biodiversity and the environment that are at risk - humans are also at risk.


WWF New Zealand Executive Director Livia Esterhazy said it’s not just biodiversity and the environment that are at risk – humans are also at risk.

Jane Goodall Institute New Zealand CEO Dr Melanie Vivian said crises can seem overwhelming, but everyone can act.

“Our next step will be to describe how we all play our part in the plan,” Vivian said. Progress will be discussed with the government in 12 months.

Conservation Minister Eugenie Sage said the government welcomed the call for more ambition.

Founder and CEO of the Jane Goodall Institute of New Zealand, Dr Melanie Vivian and Dr Jane Goodall sign the Aotearoa Agreement for Nature.


Founder and CEO of the Jane Goodall Institute of New Zealand, Dr Melanie Vivian and Dr Jane Goodall sign the Aotearoa Agreement for Nature.

“The government is already undertaking work to control rats, stoats and possums to protect our forests and wildlife, take action on climate change, and shift the economy to a zero carbon, zero waste economy.

“The global biodiversity crisis highlights the urgency of this work and the need to do more, because all of us and our economy depend on nature.”

The Aotearoa Deal for Nature was developed by the Jane Goodall Institute New Zealand, Forest & Bird, WWF-NZ, Greenpeace NZ, Environmental Defense Society, Environment and Conservation Organizations of Aotearoa, and has been approved and signed by Goodall.

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